10 Apr Youth Reserve Spot Near Threatened Western Mountain Coati in Illegal Mining Site
RESERVA: The Youth Land Trust, Inc. is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization founded in August 2019 by Callie Broaddus
and a small group of international youth organized by co-founder Bella Lack, which has since grown to over 100 people (26 and under) from 30+ countries.
They had the simple idea of their flagship project—creating the world’s first entirely youth-funded nature reserve—and the long-term goal of creating a network of youth led reserve projects around the world. Which is exactly what they’ve begun doing, by creating the world’s first entirely youth-funded nature reserve!
RESERVA have already now raised enough money to put a down payment on a 1,050 Acre property in the Dracula Reserve corridor in Ecuador’s Carchi Province. The hope; to reach their fundraising goal of $104,109 to fully fund the emergency expansion of the reserve, making the project quintuple the size of the original Dracula Youth Reserve, putting a stop to the illegal gold mining operations found within the corridor and protecting an array of vulnerable species from an immediate decline in numbers. One species in particular caught our eye… the Near Threatened Western Mountain Coati.
Whilst on a recent expedition to the cloud forest, the RESERVA team caught rare footage of an adorable young Western Mountain Coati, and have now caught further footage on the ranger’s camera traps. Proof of a declining species of Coati breeding in a booming ecosystem pocket.
To help RESERVA continue to reach their goal, head to our DONATE page and show your support
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